Food Rescue

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BTR Solutions has partnered with Eden Gives and Trader Joe’s. This partnership allows BTR Solutions to provide food for 10 families that they support weekly. We are also “Food Rescuers” and are part of a network of hotels and restaurants that donate food to be distributed immediately. These two organizations provide food to be prepared by volunteers, and food that is ready to consume that feeds any one who needs a hot meal at the Rosa Parks Bus Terminal and the 8 Mile Bus terminal. These donations feed upwards of 150 to 250 individuals on a weekly basis. We can do GREAT THINGS…TOGETHER!

Weekly Food Distribution

This is just some of the food we received this week that other grocers donate to the land fill. Thank you to the generosity of Trader Joe’s Northville, Michigan.

Bananas, Lemons, Loaf Bread, Celery

Bananas, Lemons, Loaf Bread, Celery

Strawberry Fig Jam

Strawberry Fig Jam

Dish of the week

Our families are so appreciative of the food that is provided to them. The large majority of the food that is donated is fruits, raw whole vegetables and meat products. The families then cook the healthy foods and here is an example of their culinary skills. This week we got tons of strawberries that needed to be utilized the same day. One of our awesome moms made jam for her kiddos.